We are interested in your career and work preparation experiences.

To what extent do the following apply to you?
a bit
at all
You have a clear idea of your career plans
What you are learning at this institution is relevant to your career plans
You know where to go with questions about your career plans or further education
You can describe the knowledge, skills, and experiences that are necessary for your career plans
You have received supportive feedback from faculty or other advisors about your career plans
You have a mentor in your area of interest who shares a similar background as you
To what extent have the following influenced your career plans?
a bit
at all
Advice from family or friends
Interactions with a faculty member
Interactions with advisors, success coaches, and/or career services staff
Co-curricular activities (student organizations or clubs, campus publications, student government, fraternity or sorority, intercollegiate or intramural sports, etc.)
Internship, co-op, field experience, student teaching, or clinical placement
Work experience (on- or off-campus job or prior employment)
Career fairs, workshops, or course-based exploration of career options
Expected job salary and availability
Fit for your interests and abilities
Desire to impact or support my community
Desire to make a difference in broader society
How much confidence do you have in your ability to do the following?
a bit
at all
Overcome obstacles in finding and using career-related resources at your institution
Demonstrate effective work habits (punctuality, working productively with others, time and workload management, etc.)
Network with alumni or professionals to make potential career connections
Communicate your knowledge, skills, and experiences to potential employers
Use career-specific technology (devices, programs, or tools used by those in the field)
Work effectively with people of other backgrounds (economic, racial/ethnic, political, religious, nationality, etc.)
Address ethical issues you might face in your career
In your courses at this institution, about how often have you done the following?
Analyzed a case, scenario, or simulation of a real-life situation
Researched a career interest, a potential employer, or the job market
Learned about a career or industry from practicing professionals
Observed employees in action at a place of work (clinics, offices, schools, etc.)
Connected your learning to how you can impact your community and society
Which of the following have you done or do you plan to do at this institution before you graduate (whether in person or online)?
 Done or in progressPlan to doDo not
plan to do
Have not decided
Take a career exploration, planning, or development course
Complete a career profile or self-assessment to identify occupations that match your strengths and interests
Attend a talk, panel discussion, or workshop about careers
Discuss your career interests with a faculty member
Interview or shadow someone in a career that you are considering
Participate in a major- or career-related co-curricular activity (student organization, professional or honor society, etc.)
Meet with an advisor, success coach, and/or career services staff member to explore your interests and plan your future
Get help with your résumé
Participate in a mock or practice interview
Participate in a career fair
Complete a paid internship
Network with alumni or professionals in a field related to your career interests
If you are currently working for pay, to what extent is this work related to your career plans?
88% Progress: